Saturday, February 24, 2007

القصيدة.. والجغرافيا

في بِلادِ الغَرْبِ ، يا سيِّدتي

يُولَدُ الشاعرُ حُرَّاً

مثلما الأَسْمَاكُ في عَرْضِ البِحَارْ

ويُغَنّي ..

بينَ أَحضانِ البُحَيْراتِ ،

وأَجْرَاسِ المَرَاعي ،

وحُقُولِ الجُلَّنَارْ .


.... ولَدَيْنَا

يُولَدُ الشاعرُ في كيس غُبَارْ

ويُغَنّي لمُلُوكٍ مِنْ غُبَارٍ

وخيولٍ مِنْ غُبَارٍ

وسُيُوفٍ مِنْ غُبَارٍ.

إِنَّها مُعْجِزةٌ ..

أَنْ يصْنَعَ الشِعْرُ من الليلِ نَهَارْ

إِنَّها مُعْجِزَةٌ ..

أَنْ نَزْرَعَ الأَزْهارَ ،

ما بينَ حِصَارٍ ، وحِصَارْ ..


نَحنُ لا نكتبُ

- مثلَ الشاعر الغَرْبيِّ ، شِعْراً -

إِنَّما نكتبُ يا سيِّدتي ،

صَكَّ انتحارْ ..


طَالبتُ ببعضِ الشمسِ ،
فقالَ رجالُ الشُرْطةِ :
قِفْ ـ يا سيِّدُ ـ في الطابورْ
طَالبتُ ببعض الحِبرِ ، لأكتُبَ إسمِي ..
قالوا: إن الحِبْرَ قليلٌ ...
فالزَم دَوْرَكَ في الطابورْ
طالبتُ بأيِّ كتابٍ أقرأُ فيه ..
فصَاحَ قميصٌ كاكيٌّ :
مَنْ كانَ يريدُ العِلْمَ ..
فإن عليه ، قراءةَ منشورات الحزْبِ ..
وأحكامِ الدُستورْ ..
طالبتُ بإذنٍ حتى ألقى امْرأتي
فأجابوني: إن لقاء المرأةِ صَعْبٌ ..
وعلى العاشقِ ،
أنْ لا ييأسَ من طُولِ الطابُورْ
طالبتُ بإذنٍ ..
حتى أُنْجِبَ ولداً ..
قال نقيبٌ ، وهو يُقَهْقِهُ :
إنَّ النَسْلَ مُهِمٌّ جداً ..
فَلْتَْتَنْظِرْ ، سنةً أخرى ، في الطابُورْ
طالبتُ برؤية وجهِ اللهِ ..
فصاحَ وكيلٌ من وُكلاءِ اللهِ ..
(لماذا ؟)
قلتُ : لأني إنْسانٌ مَقْهُورْ ..
فأشارَ إليَّ بإصْبعهِ
وفهمتُ بأن المقهورينَ
لهم أيضاً طابُورْ ...
أرجو أن ألقاكَ .. ولكنْ لا تترُكني
مثلَ كلاب الشارعِ ، في الطابورْ
من يوم أتيتُ إلى الدنيا
وأنا مزروعٌ في الطابورْ
ساقاي تجمَّدَتَا في الثلجِ ،
ونَفْسِي كالورقِ المنثورْ
منتظرٌ وطناً .. لا يأتي
وشواطئَ دافئةً .. وطُيُورْ ..
لا أدري .. كيف أقول الشعرَ
فحيثُ ذهبتُ يُلاحقني السَاطورْ ..
كلُّ الأوراق مُفخَّخَةٌ..
كلُّ الأقلام مُفَخَّخَةٌ ..
كلُّ الأثداء مُفَخَّخَةٌ ...
وسريرُ الحُبِّ ..
يريدُ جوازَ مُرورْ ...
يا ربي:
وهذا الوطنُ القابعُ بين الماءِ .. وبين الماءِ ..
حزينٌ كالسيف المكْسورْ ..
فإذا ودَّعْنا كافُوراً ..
يأتينا .. أكثرُ من كافُورْ ..
يا ربي :
إنَّ الأُفقَ رماديٌّ
إنْ كُنْتَ تُريدُ مساعدَتي
يا ربي .. فاجعَلْني عُصْفُور ...
وأنا أشتاقُ لقَطْرةِ نُورْ
إنْ كُنْتَ تُريدُ مساعدَتي
يا ربي .. فاجعَلْني عُصْفُور ...

Friday, February 23, 2007

نزار قباني :حوار مع ملك المغول

أهدي هذه القصيدة إلي عبد الكريم نبيل سليمان و إلي كلّ مساجين الراي العامّ في كلّ مكان و إلي كلّ من تحدّوا الطّغيان و لم يخيّروا الكتمان و وقفوا في وسط الميدان ليعبّروا علي آرائهم

يا ملك المغول ..

يا وارث الجزمه والكرباج عن جدّك أرطغولْ

يا من ترانا كلنّا خيولْ..

لا فرق- من نوافذ القصور-

بين الناس والخيولْ..

يا ملك المغولْ ..

يا أيها الغاضب من صهيلنا..

يا أيهل الخائف من تفتّح الحقولْ..

أريد أن أـقول:

من قبل أن يقتلني سيّافكم مسرورْ..

وقبل أن يأتي شهود الزورْ..

أريد أن أقول كلمتينْ

لزوجت يالحامل من شهورْ..

وأصدقائي كلّهم..

وشعبي المقهورْ..

أريد أن أقول انّي شاعر

أحمل في حنجرتي عصفور

أرفض أن أبيعه..

وأنت من حنجرتي

تريد أن تصادر العصفورْ..

يا ملك المغولْ..

يا قاهر الجيوش يا مدحرج الرؤوس..

يا مدوّخ البحورْ..

يا عاجن الحديد يا مفتت الصخور

يا آكل الأطفال

يا مغتصب الأبكار

يا مفترس العطور

واعجبي ... واعجبي

أأنت , والشرطة , والجيش

على عصفور

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Free Abdelkareem Nabil Soliman!

Nabil, wearing a gray T-shirt and sitting in the defendants pen, gave no reaction and his face remained still as the verdict was read. He made no comment to reporters as he was immediate led outside to a prison truck.

Seconds after he was loaded into the truck and the door closed, an Associated Press reporter heard the sound of a slap from inside the vehicle and a shriek of pain from Nabil.

It is really a shame that blogging could get you to jail in our times. The official causes are “defaming the President of Egypt” and “insulting Islam.”. So what??? is it better for the Egyptian government or any other arabic government to deal with this international PR crisis than to let this guy say what he wants?

This mean, that you can get executed in these countries because it could be treason next time, not defamation. Obviously the intent is to scare and threaten, but we all know that others will step up and speak, so will they put them all in jail??

Nizar Kabani was so right on in his poems, may he rest in peace.

نزار قباني : متى يعلنون وفاة العرب

أحاولُ منذ الطُفولةِ رسْمَ بلادٍ
تُسمّى - مجازا - بلادَ العَرَبْ
تُسامحُني إن كسرتُ زُجاجَ القمرْ...
وتشكرُني إن كتبتُ قصيدةَ حبٍ
وتسمحُ لي أن أمارسَ فعْلَ الهوى
ككلّ العصافير فوق الشجرْ...
أحاول رسم بلادٍ
تُعلّمني أن أكونَ على مستوى العشْقِ دوما
فأفرشَ تحتكِ ، صيفا ، عباءةَ حبي
وأعصرَ ثوبكِ عند هُطول المطرْ...

أحاولُ رسْمَ بلادٍ...
لها برلمانٌ من الياسَمينْ.
وشعبٌ رقيق من الياسَمينْ.
تنامُ حمائمُها فوق رأسي.
وتبكي مآذنُها في عيوني.
أحاول رسم بلادٍ تكون صديقةَ شِعْري.
ولا تتدخلُ بيني وبين ظُنوني.
ولا يتجولُ فيها العساكرُ فوق جبيني.
أحاولُ رسْمَ بلادٍ...
تُكافئني إن كتبتُ قصيدةَ شِعْرٍ
وتصفَحُ عني ، إذا فاض نهرُ جنوني

أحاول رسم مدينةِ حبٍ...
تكون مُحرّرةً من جميع العُقَدْ...
فلايذبحون الأنوثةَ فيها...ولايقمَعون الجَسَدْ...

رَحَلتُ جَنوبا...رحلت شمالا...
فقهوةُ كلِ المقاهي ، لها نكهةٌ واحدهْ...
وكلُ النساءِ لهنّ - إذا ما تعرّينَ-
رائحةٌ واحدهْ...
وكل رجالِ القبيلةِ لايمْضَغون الطعامْ
ويلتهمون النساءَ بثانيةٍ واحدهْ.

أحاول منذ البداياتِ...
أن لاأكونَ شبيها بأي أحدْ...
رفضتُ الكلامَ المُعلّبَ دوما.
رفضتُ عبادةَ أيِ وثَنْ...

أحاول إحراقَ كلِ النصوصِ التي أرتديها.
فبعضُ القصائدِ قبْرٌ،
وبعضُ اللغاتِ كَفَنْ.
وواعدتُ آخِرَ أنْثى..
ولكنني جئتُ بعد مرورِ الزمنْ...

أحاول أن أتبرّأَ من مُفْرداتي
ومن لعْنةِ المبتدا والخبرْ...
وأنفُضَ عني غُباري.
وأغسِلَ وجهي بماء المطرْ...
أحاول من سلطة الرمْلِ أن أستقيلْ...
وداعا قريشٌ...

وداعا كليبٌ...
وداعا مُضَرْ...

أحاول رسْمَ بلادٍ
تُسمّى - مجازا - بلادَ العربْ
سريري بها ثابتٌ
ورأسي بها ثابتٌ
لكي أعرفَ الفرقَ بين البلادِ وبين السُفُنْ...
ولكنهم...أخذوا عُلبةَ الرسْمِ منّي.
ولم يسمحوا لي بتصويرِ وجهِ الوطنْ...

أحاول منذ الطفولةِ
فتْحَ فضاءٍ من الياسَمينْ
وأسّستُ أولَ فندقِ حبٍ...بتاريخ كل العربْ...
ليستقبلَ العاشقينْ...
وألغيتُ كل الحروب القديمةِ...
بين الرجال...وبين النساءْ...
وبين الحمامِ...ومَن يذبحون الحمامْ...
وبين الرخام ومن يجرحون بياضَ الرخامْ...
ولكنهم...أغلقوا فندقي...
وقالوا بأن الهوى لايليقُ بماضي العربْ...
وطُهْرِ العربْ...
وإرثِ العربْ...
فيا لَلعجبْ!!

أحاول أن أتصورَ ما هو شكلُ الوطنْ؟
أحاول أن أستعيدَ مكانِيَ في بطْنِ أمي
وأسبحَ ضد مياه الزمنْ...
وأسرقَ تينا ، ولوزا ، و خوخا،
وأركضَ مثل العصافير خلف السفنْ.
أحاول أن أتخيّلَ جنّة عَدْنٍ
وكيف سأقضي الإجازةَ بين نُهور العقيقْ...
وبين نُهور اللبنْ...
وحين أفقتُ...اكتشفتُ هَشاشةَ حُلمي
فلا قمرٌ في سماءِ أريحا...
ولا سمكٌ في مياهِ الفُراطْ...
ولا قهوةٌ في عَدَنْ...

أحاول بالشعْرِ...أن أُمسِكَ المستحيلْ...
وأزرعَ نخلا...
ولكنهم في بلادي ، يقُصّون شَعْر النخيلْ...
أحاول أن أجعلَ الخيلَ أعلى صهيلا
ولكنّ أهلَ المدينةِيحتقرون الصهيلْ!!

أحاول - سيدتي - أن أحبّكِ...
خارجَ كلِ الطقوسْ...
وخارج كل النصوصْ...
وخارج كل الشرائعِ والأنْظِمَهْ
أحاول - سيدتي - أن أحبّكِ...
في أي منفى ذهبت إليه...
لأشعرَ - حين أضمّكِ يوما لصدري -
بأنّي أضمّ تراب الوَطَنْ...

أحاول - مذْ كنتُ طفلا، قراءة أي كتابٍ
تحدّث عن أنبياء العربْ.
وعن حكماءِ العربْ... وعن شعراءِ العربْ...
فلم أر إلا قصائدَ تلحَسُ رجلَ الخليفةِ
من أجل جَفْنةِ رزٍ... وخمسين درهمْ...
فيا للعَجَبْ!!
ولم أر إلا قبائل ليست تُفرّق ما بين لحم النساء...
وبين الرُطَبْ...
فيا للعَجَبْ!!
ولم أر إلا جرائد تخلع أثوابها الداخليّهْ...
لأيِ رئيسٍ من الغيب يأتي...
وأيِ عقيدٍ على جُثّة الشعب يمشي...
وأيِ مُرابٍ يُكدّس في راحتيه الذهبْ...
فيا للعَجَبْ!!

أنا منذ خمسينَ عاما،
أراقبُ حال العربْ.
وهم يرعدونَ، ولايمُطرونْ...
وهم يدخلون الحروب، ولايخرجونْ...
وهم يعلِكونَ جلود البلاغةِ عَلْكا
ولا يهضمونْ...

أنا منذ خمسينَ عاما
أحاولُ رسمَ بلادٍ
تُسمّى - مجازا - بلادَ العربْ
رسمتُ بلون الشرايينِ حينا
وحينا رسمت بلون الغضبْ.
وحين انتهى الرسمُ، ساءلتُ نفسي:
إذا أعلنوا ذاتَ يومٍ وفاةَ العربْ...
ففي أيِ مقبرةٍ يُدْفَنونْ؟
ومَن سوف يبكي عليهم؟
وليس لديهم بناتٌ...
وليس لديهم بَنونْ...
وليس هنالك حُزْنٌ،
وليس هنالك مَن يحْزُنونْ!!

أحاولُ منذُ بدأتُ كتابةَ شِعْري
قياسَ المسافةِ بيني وبين جدودي العربْ.
رأيتُ جُيوشا...ولا من جيوشْ...
رأيتُ فتوحا...ولا من فتوحْ...
وتابعتُ كلَ الحروبِ على شاشةِ التلْفزهْ...
فقتلى على شاشة التلفزهْ..
وجرحى على شاشة التلفزهْ...
ونصرٌ من الله يأتي إلينا...على شاشة التلفزهْ...

أيا وطني: جعلوك مسلْسلَ رُعْبٍ
نتابع أحداثهُ في المساءْ.
فكيف نراك إذا قطعوا الكهْرُباءْ؟؟

أنا...بعْدَ خمسين عاما
أحاول تسجيل ما قد رأيتْ...
رأيتُ شعوبا تظنّ بأنّ رجالَ المباحثِ
أمْرٌ من الله...مثلَ الصُداعِ...ومثل الزُكامْ...
ومثلَ الجُذامِ...ومثل الجَرَبْ...
رأيتُ العروبةَ معروضةً في مزادِ الأثاث القديمْ...
ولكنني...ما رأيتُ العَرَبْ!!...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Globalisation aspects.

While surfing on, I came across this interview of Zygmunt Bauman a Polish born sociologist and emeritus professor of Leeds and Warsaw University. For those who are already jumping to conclusions, this is a non-practicing jewish, but I don't think that is relevant to what he's saying. I invite whoever is interested in the globalisation to read this full interview of which I'm reproducing just this 2 questions. I'm very interested in your reaction on this.

Lukasz Galecki: How do you define the borders of globalisation?
Zygmunt Bauman: Globalisation is not a process taking place somewhere far away in some exotic place. Globalisation is taking place in Leeds as well as in Warsaw, in New York and in any small town in Poland. It is just outside your window, but inside as well. It is enough to walk down the street to see it. Global and local spaces can be separated only as an abstraction, in reality they are intertwined.
The main trouble is that the globalisation we are dealing with today is strictly negative. It is based on the breaking down of barriers, allowing for the globalisation of capital, the movement of goods, information, crime, and terrorism, but not of the political and judicial institutions whose basis is national sovereignty. This negative aspect of globalisation has not been followed by the positive aspect, and the instruments of regulation over economic and social processes are not established enough to deal with the reach and consequences of globalisation.

Lukasz Galecki: The war against the west has been waged in the name of the Russian soul, the Germanic race, communism, and now Islam. But Occidentalism, as an ideology of hate against the west – and when based on religious grounds – turns into a holy war against an absolute evil. In this holy war, true believers must destroy the false god of western materialism with all the powers and means they have at their disposal. Can such a war be won?
Zygmunt Bauman : Which came first, the chicken or the egg? We are facing much more than a politicising of religion, whether Muslim or any other. The issue is the “religionising” of politics, where the normal conflict of group interests is regarded as an eschatological matter, and the confrontation of these interests as having an apocalyptic character.
This is a longing for certainty in an unstable world. It is an escape from extremely complicated problems we cannot even name. It is a longing for the “great simplification”. It is nostalgia for a lost, simple world and the elementary array of tasks within this world.
In this general cacophony – where serious debate about the state of affairs almost never takes place, in which television shows have actors in front of the footlights shouting slogans at one another and using “word-bites” as weapons – one needs some kind of certainty. It can take the form of a simple division between good and evil, in which our hearts are immaculate, and the evildoers are condemned for they have no hope of redemption.
Islam has no monopoly on this vision. Both Palestinian and Israeli radicals, amazingly, use the same sort of vocabulary. Each side presents their conflict as an ultimate clash, not between Palestinians and Israeli settlers, but between Jehovah and Mohammed. A similar kind of vocabulary is present in news coverage of the 2004 American election, although the gods being worshipped had different names. But one must admit that in this vast current of today’s Manicheism, Islam – for geopolitical reasons – has occupied a very important position.

Relationships that get off to a bad start !!

This could have been a classical story of an unplanned pregnancy in a dating couple that would have forced the man's commitment, but it did not :-). I got this from a friend who found it on a forum somewhere on the net. It is a long story, but believe me it is worth the 3 minutes you’ll spend to read it. It is funny yet serious, comical yet tragic.

Vasectomy: $400. Speechless look on her face: priceless.

I'll try to sum up a funny story that happened a few years ago:

I got a vasectomy.

I met a girl soon afterwards. She was nice and attractive but with a selfish streak that raised a big red flag. She was 32 at the time and I could practically HEAR her biological clock ticking. Regardless, she was a good lay, easy on the eyes, and reasonably good company.

I did NOT tell her about my vasectomy and I always used a condom with her to protect against STDs. She assumed, obviously, that the condom was only used for birth control. Silly girl.

We date for a few months. I never made any move towards commitment but she brought it up ocassionally. For me, this was a casual but pleasant relationship. For her - as I was to find out - it was part of life-changing series of events that she was planning very carefully.

Four months into dating, I get the "I'm pregnant" talk. She's going on and on about how the condom must have broke and now we really need to think about getting married "for the baby". She's positively giddy. She has a baby in her and she thinks she's gonna have a good meal ticket (me) to go along with her new 7lb annuity.

At this point, I'm just as giddy. I get to pull the reverse "oops" on her. I figured that she slept with some bad boy and got knocked up. Good thing I was using condoms! Better still that I have a serious mistrust of women who can't think beyond their own uteri.

So I wait a couple of days to "think about all this." I meet her again. I say I don't want kids and that she should have an abortion. I know where this is going and sure enough it goes there. She goes completely batshit insane on me. There were the usual insults about my manhood. There were threats of legal action. It was all very ugly and I was loving every minute of it.

Well, I let her stew for a few days. She leaves me nasty messages on my phone. She sends awful emails. I'm laughing hysterically.

It was time to drop the hammer. While she was stewing I was busy. First I get a notarized copy from the urologist who performed the vasectomy. Next I get a notarized copy of the TWO test results indicating a "negative test result for sperm" to show I'm sterile and shooting blanks. Finally, I get a letter from a shark attorney stating he has seen the other documents and is prepared to litigate against this woman if she continues to communicate with me in such an unpleasant manner. Also, the letter states that we will insist on DNA testing to show that the baby is not mine. I'm ready.

I meet with this woman at her place. I bring flowers and a small bit of jewelry to show I am willing to reconcile and assume my responsibilities as a new father. I also have stuck in my pocket the documents I have prepared.

She's all giddy again. Her plan is going perfectly - or so she thinks. We talk about our future. We have some pretty good sex. Then, as I am about to walk out the door, I ask her the $64,000 question. "Are you sure that this baby is mine?"

Well, she goes batshit insane again. Hell, she ought to. Her plan could completely unravel if there is ANY question about my paternity. Oh, she's really screaming now. How dare I question her morals. Do I think she's a slut. I'm just trying to weasel out of my responsibilities... blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda.

I'm not really mad. I'm kind of embarrassed for her. But since she won't shut up and the neighbors can hear all of this, I ask her to step back inside and sit down. She sits on the sofa and calms down a bit. She is glaring at me with all the moral self-righteousness that only a woman can muster up. She thinks she has me trapped. She is 100% convinced her plan has worked. Oh, the tangled web of lies and deceit she has wrought around herself and I am about to hack through them with a few pieces of paper.

I reach into my pocket slowly. I extract the three pieces of paper and unfold them slowly and deliberately.

I tell her simply, "You're screwed".

Her look doesn't change. There is no way she can fathom what I have prepared.

I continue. "I am sterile"

Her look changes just a bit. Something is beginning to sink in. Naturally, she reverts to women's logic. "You're full of shit. You're trapped and you know it."

I hold up the letter and the test results. "Three months before we met, I had a vasectomy. Here is a notarized letter from him stating what I had done. Here are two test results showing that I tested negative for the presence of sperm. Blanks. I am shooting blanks. That baby inside you is simply not mine."

This woman is not to be swayed by logic and clear documentation. "Bullshit, those are fakes."

I was ready for that. "No, they are real. This last piece of paper is from my attorney. It's a simple letter to you that states if you pursue any kind of legal action against me for child support that I will insist on a DNA test to prove paternity, that is, to prove that your baby is not mine."

I give the woman all the documents. She reads them slowly, deliberately. With each passing second she can feel in her soul that she has made a very bad mistake. With denial swept away, she started to cry. It's a small cry at first. Then it becomes deeper and more painful. By the time she gets to the letter from the lawyer she is sobbing.

I had no sympathy for her. I turned and walked out the door. Even after I closed the door I could still hear her sobbing.

Epilogue -

I never heard directly from this woman again. I did hear through my friends that she did indeed have the baby. I also heard that the real father was some guy in a band she had met. I assumed that after 30, women stopped going after musicians, bikers, criminals, and thugs. Silly me for thinking the best of American women.

The Moral of the Story -

Get a vasectomy but keep it a secret.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Google Summer of Code: An opportunity for TN students

I really encourage our computer science students to apply for one of the projects sponsored by Google summer of code. It is a big opportunity to get to work on an open source project, it gives you an insight on how the open source community works and an invaluable professional experience, not to mention the fact that you could be spotted by one of Google recruiters :-)

This event, has mentors from many Open source projects like GNU,Mozilla,Eclipse, Perl Foundation, OpenOffice,Ubuntu & bazaar, Dojo and man many others.

Again, I encourage any CS student who thinks he'll be able to contribute, to consider this event. And spread the word to your friends. It is another way to show that we Tunisians are competitive in this domain.

Google Summer of CodeTM is a program that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source projects. Google will be working with a several open source, free software and technology-related groups to identify and fund several projects over a three month period. Historically, the program has brought together over 1,000 students with over 100 open source projects, to create hundreds of thousands of lines of code. The program, which kicked off in 2005, is now in its third year, following on from a very successful 2006.

While the majority of past student participants were enrolled in university Computer Science and Computer Engineering programs, GSoCers come from a wide variety of educational backgrounds, from computational biology to mining engineering. Many of our past participants had never participated in an open-source project before GSoC; others used the GSoC stipend as an opportunity to concentrate fully on their existing open source coding activities over the summer. Several of our 2005 students went on to become mentors in 2006.

Go here for more information

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Le GSPC revendique les attentats en Algérie.

Le Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication le Combat, rebaptisé récemment "Al-Qaida Maghreb" après leur ralliement a l'organisation terroriste de Ben Laden, a revendiqué les 7 attentats à la bombe qui se sont déroulés hier en Algérie et qui visaient principalement des postes de police et de la gendarmerie (DARC).

Ce serait le même groupe auquel appartenaient les combattants abattus en Tunisie au début de Janvier.

Est ce qu'il faut comprendre que Al-Qaida croit pouvoir déstabiliser les pays du Maghreb, du moyen orient et du Golf pour les transformer en régime a la Taliban? Mais ils rêvent ou quoi? Sinon est ce que quelqu’un peut éclairer ma lanterne et m'expliquer pourquoi ils agissent de la sorte? Je ne crois pas qu'ils soient aussi déconnectés de la realité, ou quoi??

A mon avis s'ils veulent nous faire du bien, ils doivent aller s'isoler dans des grottes et passer leur temps a prier pour que Dieu leur pardonne leurs péchés passés et présents.

Abu Musaab(gauche), leader du GSPC et Shielk Ahmed Abu Al-Baraa(guide spirituel) dans un camp d'entrainement qq part en Afrique.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Algeria bombings: 6 killed, dozens injured.

After years of truce, a new wave of 7 coordinated bombings put our western neighbor in a bad spot. After recovering from years of islamist insurgency killing hundred of thousands, and after seeing its economy emerging, here we are again. Let's hope this is an isolated incident. This is really scary for the whole region, specially after what happened few weeks ago in TN.

An apparently co-ordinated wave of bombings largely targeting police killed six people and wounded nearly 30 others in Algeria on Tuesday, according to the official news agency, police and hospital staff.

While no one claimed responsibility for the attacks, they bore the hallmarks of the Salafist Group of Call and Combat, or GSPC, an al-Qaeda-linked insurgency group.

Less than a month ago, it announced it was changing its name to al-Qaeda in Islamic North Africa, raising the stakes in the region's fight against terrorism.

The attacks surprised the North African country, which has steadily emerged from an Islamic insurgency that killed more than 150,000 people in the 1990s.

While scattered violence by the GSPC continues, such carefully planned strikes are rare in today's Algeria, an ally in the U.S.-led war against terrorism.

The seven bombings tore through towns and countryside east of Algiers between 4 a.m. and 10 a.m. local time, the APS agency said.


Monday, February 12, 2007

MIT's $150 hand-cranked Laptop

MIT is developing a hand cranked laptop, running Linux and aimed to developed countries, that will sell for $150. Power will be coming from an integrated hand cranked generator!! I can't but applaud this initiative, wishing it good luck.

BOSTON (Reuters) - From Brazil to Pakistan, some of the world's poorest children will peer across the digital divide this month -- reading electronic books, shooting digital video, creating music and chatting with classmates online.
Founded by Massachusetts Institute of Technology academics, the non-profit "One Laptop per Child" project will roll out nearly 2,500 of its $150-laptops to eight nations in February.

The experiment is a prelude to mass production of the kid-friendly, lime-green-and-white laptops scheduled to begin in July, when five million will be built.

Its technological triumphs include a hand crank to charge its battery, a keyboard that switches between languages, a digital video camera, wireless connectivity and
Linux open-source operating software tailored for remote regions.

The project's operators say the price should fall to $100 apiece next year, when they hope to produce 50 million of the so-called "XO" machines, before dipping below $100 by 2010 when they aim to reach 150 million of the world's poorest children.

"We're pledging to always drive the price down," Walter Bender, the group's president of software and content, told Reuters. "Rather than continuing to add features to keep the price inflated, we're keeping the feature set stable and driving the price down."

A string pulley, which Bender likens to a "salad spinner," is replacing the handcrank. A minute of pulling generates 10 minutes of electricity. The display switches from color to black and white for viewing in direct sunlight -- a feature unavailable in laptops 10 times more expensive.

State educators in Brazil, Uruguay, Libya, Rwanda, Pakistan, Thailand and possibly Ethiopia and the
West Bank will receive the first of the machines in February's pilot before a wider rollout to Indonesia and a handful of other countries[...]


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Can we learn from the current events??

Make Love, not War!!

MANILA, Philippines - More than 6,000 couples kissed simultaneously at midnight Saturday in the Philippines with organizers of the event claiming to have set a new world record.Organizers of the annual pre-Valentine's Day celebration said they broke the record held by Hungary, where 5,875 couples kissed simultaneously in Budapest in 2005.[...]

And don't forget to cash on it
Three Manchester Boots pharmacies will sell the prescription-only medication made by U.S. drugs group Pfizer in a pilot program from February 14.

Men aged between 30 and 65 suffering from erectile dysfunction will be able to buy four Viagra pills for 50 pounds ($97) without having to get a prescription from a doctor first.[...]

Still some are recidivists and don't learn from previous lessons.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - U.S. military officials on Sunday accused the highest levels of the Iranian leadership of arming Shiite militants in
Iraq with sophisticated armor-piercing roadside bombs that have killed more than 170 troops from the American-led coalition[..]
If you're not convinced, here is the image that will make the case :-) This does remind me of the embarassing presentation that Colin Powell did at the UN, just before invading Iraq.
On the other hands, Washigton and Moscow are still cleaning their houses from the remains of the cold war.More here.

And others who never make love, Be it Valentine's day or Chinese new year of the pig!
Israel's Cabinet voted to push ahead with construction work on a ramp leading to a disputed holy site in Jerusalem, despite objections from the Muslim world and violent Palestinian protests.
Tensions in the city have been high since last week, when Israel began work outside the compound known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as the Temple Mount. The new walkway is meant to replace an ancient earthen ramp that partially collapsed in a snowstorm three years ago.

Arab leaders have accused Israel of trying to harm Muslim holy sites. Israel denies the repair work and accompanying excavations will come anywhere near the compound.[...]

Oh, I forgot this dinosaur protected by "Socialist saints" and this Saffa7 in Egypt.

I will not finish without mentionning these articles who should have been on the first page on every newspaper, but hey, it is offer and demand and I am a biased african :-(

Nearly 60,000 evacuated in Mozambique floods in past week

Zimbabwe public sector crumbles as patience runs out

Somali rally for peace ends in violence

Saturday, February 10, 2007


I just discovered Takamatas' blog on the Tunisphere, and I was stunned when I read this post. As he said it's a no comment!! But, I have hard time imagining that this could be true, in our time, in our country!!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

كلام اللّيل : توفيق الجّبالى

ثمّة ملك

ثمّة ملك ياسر ياسر ناس ملاح حتّي ... مسّطها
أعرف اللّي عمرو بالعمر ما شاف حبس في حياتو. علاش موش نهار متعدّي بالصّدفة قدّام حبس قاللهم : عرّضتلكم الجاه قولولي هذا آشنوّه ؟
قالولوا : هذاكه يا سيّدنا إسمو ؟؟؟ اسمو ... مسرح. قاللهم : أيواه ، وروّح لسرايته ومن نهارتها كلّ واحد يحبّ يكرّمو و يفرح بيه ... يبعثوا للمسرح.


جابولها بلالط و فرادي و شناشن و شرك و قلايد و خلاخل و دبلج و خواتم و أقراط امّا خسارة راجلها طلع سارق، اللّيل طاح منّا وهو غارلها علي الملمّة و اللّي ثمّة و شمّع الفتلة ، وعلي ما هو طمّاع عاود رجع و هزّها هيّ معاهم.

علي ذكر الخليج

-علي ذكر الخليج
قالّك جماعة "بم بم"؟
أوّل ما سمعوا "طاف طاف"
عملوا "فر فر"
مشاو للن..دن
ما قعدوا غادي كان "الحت الحت"

نهار العيد

نتفلو شعرو،
و فطّسلو خشمو ،
و هبّطلو قوايمو ،
وقلّعلو وذنيه ،
و فقّسلو عينيه ،
و بلّعلو زروسو ،
و بال عليه ،
ولوالو عنكوشو ،
و كلالو قلبو ،
و شربلو من دمّو ،
و طلّعلو روحو.....
ومن بعد كيف جاء العيد...تسامحوا.

ثمّة حاجة

-ثمّة حاجة ما فهمتهاش
فاش قام يعملوا في يوم للنّظافة و ما يعملونّاش بالقليلة نصيّف نهار للوسخ
ما دام بلادنا ديمقراطيّة يلزمها تبجّل الأغلبيّة.

-ثمّة حاجة لتوّا ما زلت مافهمتهاش
علاش العظم ما يتباع كان بالحارة
بينما الكلاسط يتباعوا كان بالزّوز.


قالّك التشيشين مساكن السّنة عدّاوا شهر سيدي رمضان بكلّو فاطرين علي خاطر قالّك كلّ ما يسمعوا ضربة متاع مدفع يسخايلوه المغرب أذّن.
-قالّك تونس. عازمة علي كسب معركة التّصدير
اشنوّة الصّعيب.. من قلّة النّاس اللّي متصدّرة في القهاوي...

-ثمّة بلدان عرفت كيفاش تتخلّص من حكاية حقوق الإنسان
تقول انت زادت في الحقوق؟؟
لا...لا...نحّات الإنسان

حضرات الأخوان

يظهر لي حضرات الأخوان
لقد آن الأوان وأعوذ باللّه من كلمة آن ..الأون
باش نحكيوا علي السّلطان وما جري له مع وزيرو اللّي يدوّر في الزّيرو
ومع سيرو اللّي جبد سفيرو
دار لمديرو وقالّو دبّرعليّ يا مدير آش بندير، ياخي خرّجلو البندير
فهم السّلطان اللّي السّلط..آن ..متاعو في الميزان ..مع بني الإنس...آن
ولّي فيسع لمّ الجان و كوّن منهم لجان..وحطّهم يعسّولوا علي الصّول..جان
ومن نهارتها قامت القيامة و شاشت النّعامة..هيّا تواّ تقعّدوا السّلامة...

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Ecouter avant de parler.

Cette note m’a été inspirée par la note de MetalicaNaddou et de constatations générales pendant les derniers six mois depuis que j’ai commence à participer à la Tunisphere.

J’avoue que ce monde virtuel n’est pas aussi virtuel que ca. Au fait il est très réel et il me rappelle beaucoup les discussions ou la vie sociale que j’ai quand je suis en Tunisie et c’est parce que cela me manque beaucoup vu que je vis loin que j’ai beaucoup de plaisir a lire, commenter sur des sujets qui me tiennent a cœur.

Malheureusement, la réalité nous rattrape sur cet espace virtuel, et les sujets même s’ils sont très intéressants, instructifs et agréable à avoir, la technique est bien souvent médiocre. On est humains, on est différents, mais il y a une constante qu’on trouve toujours chez nous, qui est qu’on est toujours en mode de compétition. Comme dans le monde réel bien de chez nous, il ya parfois des intervenants qui ne pensent qu’a gagner la compétition de « Qui a la bite la plus longue » et c’est bien sur au sens figuré ;-)

En effet, le manque d’humilité de certains fait qu’ils n’acceptent jamais avoir tort et qu’ils doivent par tout les moyens imposer leur idées, parfois d’une manière très agressive, dictatoriale même, ce qui explique beaucoup comment notre pays fonctionne. Ces gens la, parlent sans écouter, ne doutent jamais d’eux même et veulent que les gens disent ce que eux ils veulent entendre, sinon c’est la guerre.

L’humilité, c’est de savoir écouter même si on pense au début que la personne dit n’importe quoi. Il est essentiel pour savoir communiquer de savoir écouter. Il y a toujours quelque chose à apprendre, même si on a 3 doctorats et 2 prix Nobels et qu’on est très éloquent et qu’on parle à un gamin de 15 ans a propos d’un sujet qu’il ne maitrise pas.

Certaines discussions prennent une mauvaise tournure parfois quand il ya 2 personnes qui entrent en compétition et qui refusent catégoriquement ce que l’autre dit. Parfois les positions changent et on trouve la première personne contredisant la seconde sur une idée qui 3 commentaires plus haut, elle était elle même entrain de défendre. Preuve que le sujet n’est pas la source du problème mais que le but est de prouver qu’elle est meilleure, c’est personnel, c’est mesquin.

J’ai eu la chance de ne pas avoir ce genre de discussions sur mon blog, car j'evite d'aborder des sujets a controverse et que je me retire des que ca sent le roussi. Je préfère de loin poster de la musique ;-). Même dans mes commentaires, j’essaie de donner mon avis quand un sujet me tient a cœur ou que la note est intéressante a discuter mais souvent c’est ces notes qui attirent les personnes imbues de soi même, qui viennent donner la leçon et traiter l’auteur ou les commentateurs de débiles ou ignorants. Je ne vise personne bien sur, il n’ya qu’a aller voir sur tn-blogs les notes et vous trouverez des dizaines de ces cas.

En conclusion, et la je risque de me faire traiter de donneur de leçon moi-même, mais je crois et je suis convaincu, que si on lit avant d’écrire et si on écoute avant de parler, et si on essaie de comprendre ce que l’autre veut nous dire et lui donner la chance de s’expliquer en posant des questions avant d’attaquer et en ne se sentant pas visé si la note évoque négativement des idées dont nous en sommes convaincus. On est différents et on le sera toujours, alors respectons nous et apprenons l’un de l’autre. Soyons objectifs, et si quelqu’un essaie de nous convaincre d’une idée et qu’on est pas d’accord essayons d’avoir une discussion constructive, écoutons, posons les bonnes questions, argumentons et si on sent qu’on commence a être convaincu, ne commençons pas a denier, il n’ya que les idiots qui ne changent pas d’avis, sinon ce n’est pas grave de ne pas être d’accord, mais au moins on a eu une agréable discussion et on aura compris pourquoi l’autre pense de la sorte.

Avant de finir, je veux préciser que ces comportements ne sont pas propres aux bloggeurs tunisiens, j’ai vu le même phénomène sur des blogs canadiens ou américains, mais comme je passe le plus de temps sur tn blogs, c’est normal que je parle de ce que je connais. Et encore une fois je ne vise personne en particulier et si vous vous sentez vise, je m’excuse en avance, le but de ce poste n’est pas de la provocation, c’est tout juste des pensées que j’ai voulu partager.