Sunday, June 17, 2007

My day as a father :)

Today was father's day, and this is what I got from my 3 kids as soon as I woke up this morning. You can tell from the gifts what kind of life I have (or don't have), even my kids think that I should take it easy and start enjoy life :) But in reality I do, because I am blessed with such cool, smart and beautiful kids and their mother of course ;)

This gift card form my 13 years son

This card from HallMark is a really innovative, they embedded in it a small chip capable of playing around 20 seconds of music at high fidelity (once the card is open),I love it. The embedded music was the chorus of Celebration by Kool & the gang:

This is from my 16 years son

And this is from my 8 years old princess


Slaim said...

rabbi ifadhilkom lib3adhkom wirabbihom fi 3izz waldihom


PS: mni 9otlek libnet 5ir :) chouf le cadeau mte3 ittofla :)

Anonymous said...

Babes in bikinis :)

J'en connais une qui ne sera pas très contente ;)

Sinon bonne fête des pères ou' rabbi ifadh'dhal'lik lewled ya samsoum

Tarek طارق said...

I got my first today... my 8 months son was not able to be spared by his mother :) but well it was a nice surprise....

Téméraire said...

Heureusement que tu as reçu un petit parapluie que des Babes in bikinis :) Sinon, par Ommou Essighari tu seras bien cuit.

Ici, chez moi, on ne me fête pas encore. Il faudrait que je prenne de nouvelles résolutions pour ça.

Napo said...

happy father's day big guy.

Hayy said...

kol 3am wenti weyehom 7ayin bkhir

Anonymous said...

Happy daddy day :) rabbi y fadhilhomlik..el bannouta a du goût ;)

samsoum said...

Merci a tous pour vos commentaires.

Hannibal said...

happy father's day samsoum we rabbi yfedhelhomlik:)

samsoum said...

Merci Hannibal.

Anonymous said...

Bonne fête heureux Papa!

Keep going!